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Many Drugs are Now More Affordable for Medicare Beneficiaries

Posted by Melissa Hanes
Estimated Reading Time 1 minute 7 seconds

Many Drugs are Now More Affordable for Medicare Beneficiaries

The rising cost of prescription medications represents a common concern for Medicare beneficiaries, so much that Congress stepped in to address the problem. Under the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, pharmaceutical companies that raise the prices of their drugs beyond the rate of inflation are penalized by a rebate that they must pay to the Medicare program. The new law was intended to motivate drugmakers to maintain reasonable prices on their products but will also help patients afford their medications when prices do climb beyond the inflation rate.

This year, 43 drugs have been identified and the appropriate penalty triggered for their makers. While the penalties won’t be due until 2025, copayments for Medicare beneficiaries will be calculated according to what the price should have been.

As the inflation rate is evaluated quarterly, so are the medications subject to the new law. Therefore, medications subject to the penalty (and regulation of the copayments) can also change quarterly.

So far, the following 43 drugs have been identified as violating the rules on price increases and will be subject to a rebate between July 1 and September 30 of this year.

Medicare beneficiaries will save between $1 and $149 per average dose of the above medications, thanks to the rebate program. Of course, your final cost depends upon your particular Medicare plan, and the type of coverage they offer for each drug.

If you’re concerned about the cost of your prescription medications, remember to consult with us, licensed agents about your Medicare plan(s). The goal is always to help you locate a plan that best covers your medical needs, while keeping costs predictable and affordable for you.

Melissa Hanes //

I was born in Oklahoma and raised in Neosho, MO. My husband (Derek) and I have 6 children and 6 sweet grandchildren who we adore. It wasn’t until 2009 when I moved back to Oklahoma that I started my insurance career and developed a passion for educating seniors on their rights and options regarding Medicare. Over the last decade I’ve been helping this under served population by empowering them to make the best insurance decisions for their individual healthcare needs.

In 2019 I resigned my position as Sales Manager for one of the nation’s largest Medicare insurance carriers to join the amazing team at OKMedicareHelp. I provided support, training and mentorship to hundreds of independent insurance agents around the state of Oklahoma and gave them the tools they needed to make the right impact for Medicare beneficiaries. The experience I gained in my previous role gave me a unique look at how to help navigate the complexities of Medicare for both Medicare beneficiaries and agents alike.

I pride myself on operating with the highest integrity and having a heart to serve our local senior community. I would be honored to help you navigate the complexities of Medicare and be of service for all your insurance needs.

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      By submitting this information, you acknowledge a licensed insurance agent, Melissa Hanes, may contact you by phone, email, or mail to discuss Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplement Insurance, or Prescription Drug Plans.

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